Venezuela: Get Up To Speed Navigating Thru Ocean Of Lies Toward a Coup

Get up to speed on Venezuela with this comprehensive discussion / interview of UN Human Rights Investigator Alfred De Zayas. The elections are discussed; what happened with the 2002 coup in less than 48 hours – what the puppet installed as President then, did – before he was quickly overthrown by a military faithful to Hugo Chavez. And now we have the reprehensible Elliot Abrams, complicit with advising the Venezuela coup in 2002 after destroying Central America including the genocide of tens of thousands of Guatemalans in the 1980’s, LEADING the attempted coup of today, which may become an invasion and a resulting civil war that will kill thousands of Venezuelans needlessly. But, of course, the USA wants Venezuela’s oil and resources, including the gold and other minerals.

Posted on March 16, 2019 by Claude Mayers

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