Claude Mayers

Donald, Babbling About War Recklessly . . .

You could go on

Babbling about war recklessly

Filling up your self-congratulatory tank

Of ego

Inflamed by power

The nuclear codes dancing in your head

While we live in dread

Fearing your psychotic behavior

Your fawning sycophants

Kneeling at your feet

Wheeling in truckloads of praise

Shafting the people

Who see through your insanity

But are unable

To impeach you immediately

Before you destroy the threatened planet

Upon which we all have to exist

In harmony

and peace


©  2017    Claude Mayers

Trump And Nixon

Collusion on the bridge

Deep Throat in the garage

At two in the morning

Espionage and subterfuge

Make for intrigue


There always the urge

To preserve the status quo

Even if it is slipping

Into insanity

Power corrupts the vulnerable demented

Brilliant or focused

On goals that mean so much to me

Wounding justice

Crippling freedom

Spying on the citizenry

Paranoid and vindictive

Certain in their victory

Trump and Nixon

Surmounted the rule of law

Behaving like they were immune kings

When they were actually temporary stewards

Of the nation’s presidential office

Not to be confused

With dictators

Or authoritarians politicizing the police

And our intelligence community

©  2017    Claude Mayers

Five Featured Guitarists

Featured Guitarists


Five Greatests Guitarists

Trump & Giuliani Doing Their Best Kamikazees – Poem 2018

Trump and Giuliani two crazy brothers spearing Truth with madded gusto / parading down Fifth Avenue. . . .

Most recently Rudy Giuliani in Israel saying Melania believes her husband concerning Stormy Daniels; Melania countering thru her spokesperson saying she never “discussed her thoughts on anything with Mr. Giuliani.”

Pathological Liar

They  seem to be all about lately, coming out of the woodwork, spouting lies incorrigibly because they can’t help themselves, it’s just natural for them, as in Trump & Giuliani & Scott Pruitt . . . .


Black NFL Player

Concerned for my family, my wife, my children, if their car is stopped, if the policeman is prejudiced, draws his gun…Black or brown, we know what it is to fear authority, be treated unfairly, unequally . . .