
Trump & Giuliani Doing Their Best Kamikazees – Poem 2018

Trump and Giuliani two crazy brothers spearing Truth with madded gusto / parading down Fifth Avenue. . . .

Most recently Rudy Giuliani in Israel saying Melania believes her husband concerning Stormy Daniels; Melania countering thru her spokesperson saying she never “discussed her thoughts on anything with Mr. Giuliani.”

Pathological Liar

They  seem to be all about lately, coming out of the woodwork, spouting lies incorrigibly because they can’t help themselves, it’s just natural for them, as in Trump & Giuliani & Scott Pruitt . . . .


Black NFL Player

Concerned for my family, my wife, my children, if their car is stopped, if the policeman is prejudiced, draws his gun…Black or brown, we know what it is to fear authority, be treated unfairly, unequally . . .