
Canio’s Review

Claude Mayers joins the fearless ranks of Yevtushenko, Neruda, Pasolini, among others, daring to bear Poetry into the realm of Politics. 

 - - Canio Pavone, Founder of the Hamptons, New York’s Most Historic Bookstore Canio’s

Claude Mayers

 - - Canio Pavone, Founder of the Hamptons, New York’s Most Historic Bookstore Canio’s

Claude Mayers joins the fearless ranks of Yevtushenko, Neruda, Pasolini, among others, daring to bear Poetry into the realm of Politics. 

Allan Weisbecker’s Review

In a world gone intellectually and morally berserk, Claude Mayers, with his startling and sometimes outrageous word-play, deconstructs and lampoons but above all perceives that which the rest of us miss, telling us, no, shouting at us: Look here! Isn't this sad/joyous/ridiculous/beautiful/oddball/fun? -- often in the same poem... or stanza... or turn of a word. Mayers sees and above all cares, and seeks that we should as well. 

 - - Allan Weisbecker, Author ‘In Search Of Captain Zero’ 

Claude Mayers

 - - Allan Weisbecker, Author ‘In Search Of Captain Zero’ 

In a world gone intellectually and morally berserk, Claude Mayers, with his startling and sometimes outrageous word-play, deconstructs and lampoons but above all perceives that which the rest of us miss, telling us, no, shouting at us: Look here! Isn't this sad/joyous/ridiculous/beautiful/oddball/fun?

Avram Chetron’s Review

These poems document life in the madhouse that has gripped the world since that fateful November hijacking of civilization as we knew it.  Buckle your seatbelts, it's quite a ride!

- - Avram Chetron, Activist, Musician, Teacher, Engineer; Ashland, Oregon

Claude Mayers

- - Avram Chetron, Activist, Musician, Teacher, Engineer; Ashland, Oregon

These poems document life in the madhouse that has gripped the world since that fateful November hijacking of civilization as we knew it.  Buckle your seatbelts, it's quite a ride!

Dr. Andrew Harris’ Review

Mayers' poems ring true in ways that discomfort us, which we must come to understand in order to take appropriate action. Here's hoping that his words assist in unlocking the divisions and fears which have gripped our country over these past 2 years. 


 - - Dr. Andrew Harris, Psychologist, Worldwide Adventurer, Photographer

Claude Mayers

 - - Dr. Andrew Harris, Psychologist, Worldwide Adventurer, Photographer

Mayers' poems ring true in ways that discomfort us, which we must come to understand in order to take appropriate action. Here's hoping that his words assist in unlocking the divisions and fears which have gripped our country over these past 2 years. 

Jerry Nussbaum PhD’s Review

Mayers’ poetry, filled with passion and anger, will resonate with those who are in despair for the state of our nation brought upon by the current disgraceful--and possibly treasonous--president and his administration. 


 - - Jerry Nussbaum PhD, Sociology Professor [Rtd.], SF Bay Real Estate Broker  


Claude Mayers

 - - Jerry Nussbaum PhD, Sociology Professor [Rtd.], SF Bay Real Estate Broker  


Mayers’ poetry, filled with passion and anger, will resonate with those who are in despair for the state of our nation brought upon by the current disgraceful--and possibly treasonous--president and his administration. 

Dr. Joanna Komoska’s Review

Claude Mayer's poetry directs us to courage in the face of life's adversities, whether facing the waves or interpersonal challenges, it lifts us to consider nature and the universe with fresh eyes.


 - - Dr. Joanna Komoska, Psychologist, Quaker

Claude Mayers

 - - Dr. Joanna Komoska, Psychologist, Quaker

Claude Mayer's poetry directs us to courage in the face of life's adversities, whether facing the waves or interpersonal challenges, it lifts us to consider nature and the universe with fresh eyes.
Claude Mayers