Jimmy Buffett the funloving waterman singer songwriter party mon surfer died to start September 2023. Those of us who love him and his music felt a loss/a vacuum that suddenly opened up, filling with our grief . . . . as we celebrated his music — Jimmy wouldn’t want us to dwell on sadness. Be here now! Enjoy every day to the fullest! Be HAPPY! . . . and when adversity strikes. . . Breathe in . . . Breathe out . . . Move on . . . . If you click on the below video, Dear Faithful Parrotheads & Friends, a 2-minute video version of the poem ‘When I Get Emotional (for Jimmy Buffett)’ will roll. If probb, can then click on link below thumbnail to alternately view the Key West Labor Day parading for Jimmy, and my poetic reaction to that — and Jimmy not being here above ground with us anymore, but his music is! Mailboat’s in!! Mailboat’s in …