Rachel Maddow

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Rachel Maddow reports politically important stories often earlier than anyone on television, investigating and analyzing them with great depth. Plus her humility and sense of humor make her show very accessible for the viewer. From Trump and Pence to North Korea and Bolsonaro (new 'Trump Of The Tropics' about-to-be-military-right-wing-dictator of Brazil), Rachel sees and tells us the significance of what is transpiring in our world today. FYI: from TVNewser Nov 2018: 'Maddow ranked No. 2 across cable news in November in total viewers. She finished behind Tucker Carlson in adults 25-54, and behind Sean Hannity in total viewers.'
Maine Outgoing Governor Shows True Colors
Posted on March 16, 2019 by Claude Mayers
Maine's outgoing Governor shows his true colors talking about drug ...
Trump's Criminal Moneylaundering Iran Hotel Front in Azerbaijan
Posted on August 1, 2018 by Claude Mayers
Others have been sentenced to a decade in jail for moneylaundering ...