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Maine Outgoing Governor Shows True Colors

Maine’s outgoing Governor shows his true colors talking about drug dealers coming to Maine, making “young white girls” pregnant, backtracking, repeatedly sinking deeper into his racist quicksand. Then on his way out of office he pardons a drug dealer. A white one, of course. Remarkable. After Maine voters approved ballot measure more than a year ago to expand Medicaid coverage, and same Governor prevented this from happening, the very FIRST act of the new woman Democratic Governor, Executive Order #1, was to restore health insurance to 70,000 people who had none. Meanwhile, the now ex-Maine Governor, Rachel reports, promptly moved to Florida.

Venezuela: Get Up To Speed Navigating Thru Ocean Of Lies Toward a Coup

Get up to speed on Venezuela with this comprehensive discussion / interview of UN Human Rights Investigator Alfred De Zayas. The elections are discussed; what happened with the 2002 coup in less than 48 hours – what the puppet installed as President then, did – before he was quickly overthrown by a military faithful to Hugo Chavez. And now we have the reprehensible Elliot Abrams, complicit with advising the Venezuela coup in 2002 after destroying Central America including the genocide of tens of thousands of Guatemalans in the 1980’s, LEADING the attempted coup of today, which may become an invasion and a resulting civil war that will kill thousands of Venezuelans needlessly. But, of course, the USA wants Venezuela’s oil and resources, including the gold and other minerals.

Featured Video Of The Week: ‘Lie I Believe’ by V-Roys

Trump the pathological liar cannot stop himself from lying for his base of believers – 300 Hamberders becomes 1000 Hamberders in his next tweet. As with his –at least– 7 false claims per day.  V-Roys sing it: ‘Lie I Believe’ poignant right now. While we learned yesterday from Buzzfeed that the lying disease is ever-spreading to now, reportedly, Michael Cohen saying Trump told him to lie to Congress WHILE TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT!!!! (About Trump Tower in Moscow, and Russia, and Putin) – tho have to add that Mueller office belatedly says the report is not totally correct and Ronan Farrow said he saw the info and decided against “running with it.” Yet Buzzfeed re-questioned their sources, who emphatically re-affirmed what they claim is the truth, leading Buzzfeed to then stick to their story about Trump TELLING COHEN TO LIE TO CONGRESS.  Question seems to be, did Cohen just know what Trump thinks and acted on that, or did Trump indeed do as charged by the Buzzfeed publication. But he has lied enough about so many things, every day, every day, many of these lies causing or trying to lie away incidences of Obstruction of Justice.  Collusion with Russia would put it all over the top, and mean Bye Bye Birdie for our lyingest president ever.

Christmas 2018 Saturday Night Live with Donald Trump et al

Christmas Saturday Night Live 2018 show drawing from ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ but

our star is not Jimmy Stewart, instead ’tis Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and his

herd of do-badders, including especially Michael Cohen (Ben Stiller)



It’s Not A Crime – Nils Lofgren

Collusion with the Russians is no crime, right Nils? Just ask Rudy Giuliani!!
And who said I, Donald Trump, said Mexico would pay for the wall???!
You know you can’t trust your ears anymore, or your eyes…

Trump “I’m Guilty, I Surrender” – (currently) a fantasy poem

Claude Mayers reads this (currently) fantasy confessional Trump Poem in front of the White House gates in Washington DC Aug 11 2018 during that weekend’s protests, with the NeoNazi ‘Unite The Right’ march imminent the next day.  Trump:  “I’m Guilty, I Surrender”

Trump’s Criminal Moneylaundering Iran Hotel Front in Azerbaijan

Others have been sentenced to a decade in jail for moneylaundering schemes like this one involving Donald Trump.  Rachel Maddow weaves a beautiful 20 minute arc of a story: starting with Bechtel and its many landmark worldwide engineering projects, and ending up with the weird hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan that had no roads to it, and from which Trump made $2 BILLION via money apparently laundered from the Iranian Guards (on the sanctioned list for backing terrorists] before stopping the hotel-building after getting elected President.

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Buddy Guy ‘I Go By Feel’

Buddy Guy is the great purveyor of blues today.  In his 80’s now (actually 82 b. July 30, 1936) he still is touring and has his own blues club in Chicago.  This tune from his Rhythm & Blues CD (from a double-CD release) of a few years ago displays his fantastic tasteful tone and style of playing ‘by feel’ for y’all.  Love it! and LOVE IT!  Buddy Guy, Still Alive! playin’ the blues, for YOU!…

SNL Skit about Trump

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