Two definitions for you, Dear Reader, and Friend of Allan Weisbecker (Or Foe)
RV Recreational Vehicle
perspicacious: of acute mental vision or discernment; from Latin ‘clear-sighted, to see through’

What about Al?
We all want to know
Is he really dead?
Or was there foul play?
He sentenced to the RV world
The lonely old photographer
Did he have his dog beside him
To comfort him
As love denied him?
He crazed about the 9-11 planes
Telling me Fauci was no hero
Before I was ready
To pronounce this
Al stopped surfing
During Covid
When he left San Blas
Trundled over the border
Mexico not allowing him re-entry
He unfortunately forced to wander
About the mountain states
Shooting sunsets clouds waterways landscapes
Animals in nature
Using special effects
Embellishing his artistry
This morning
It must be five days
Facebook and gmail
Contributing nothing
To the initial news
Of his unceremonious departure
Dying in South Dakota
In an RV camp
What was he thinking
Was he exhausted
Choosing his latest pictures
To share with his followers
His battery running out?
As Donald Trump says
Al ten toes over the nose
Speeding across a bluegreen wall
How I will remember him
The cynical visionary scowl
Lenses hanging off his flak jacket
Gumming his cigar
Nicotine an addiction to beat down
Miami Vice
Captain Zero
Cosmic Banditos stuffed with existential words
Al really a philosopher
Not prone to swallow
The processed gorgeous obvious
(C) 2023 Claude Mayers